The man I wanted you to be

I tried so hard trying to make you the man 

I so badly wanted you to be 

Rather than facing the truth

And allowing myself to see 

That you were never going to be he 


I’ve lived my whole life thinking that 

Hard work is enough 

Hard work means success 

Hard work gets you what you want 

But boy in matters of the heart 

It shouldn’t be hard 

So now I will walk away 

From the man who is not the man 

I wanted you to be 


Complacency will kill what we have 

Resignation remove its core 

Satisfaction will shift into emptiness

And by then it’ll be too late 

You’ll be there one day 

Looking out the window 

With only memories left to hold 

Wondering what happened to the one who got away 


I thank you for all you gave me

For allowing me to grow as an individual

For teaching me many lessons.

We weren’t right for each other

But we tried. We tried and hoped

I wish the ending had been different

My heart aches

Though my brain says different

All I know is we tried and hoped

I deserve more

You didn’t love me hard enough 

Tell me loud enough 

You gave me half 

All while I gave it all 

You wanted an easy ride 

But nothing good ever came easy  

You thought I would just be 

And see it as nothing big 

Despite the times I kept saying 

Falling on defensive ears 

But I know the love I’m worthy of 

So I’ll go now 

And stop wasting energy 

On a love that falls 
